Sunday, June 30, 2013

12 o'clock the ghost awakes ( ^ ' ~' )^ and goes to a Cherry Blossom Festival

Once upon a long long long time ago (three or so months ago… to be more precise-ish kinda) there was this chica named Mary and she has been spending quite some time in Japan, fought with some Tsukumogami and had tea with Tengus and such. But this day was special, it was a long journey south to a city she has often heard of but not yet seen.  She was going there to spend some time with the humans she has met, they aren't as fun as the spirits and creatures she has encountered, but some of the people are very enjoyable and fun to be around....unfortunately those said people weren't there. The ones that were there are nice enough and fun to watch, but it seems that Mary is a bit too much of a strange wallflower for their more party hearty-style antics. But, on the way down she gave a ride to someone that can carry on a very nice conversation and so a lovely conversation about this and that was had during the very long car ride south. Despite the lack of gps or knowledge of the area they made it rather easily.
 When they arrived the sky was rather overcast and threatened to bring rain, and after a bit it did. But, before the rain came they met up with the other people.  After sitting awkwardly for a bit just listening to everyone else converse and only getting in a few words here and there, she went and bought a rather tasty doner kebab to eat. Upon getting back and finishing the doner, she was invited to play a game. It is writing and drawing game where one person writes a sentence and the next person draws a picture interpretation of the sentence then the next person writes a sentence based of the picture and so on. It was very fun, but it started to rain just when everyone started on the second round of the first/original everyone packed up and moved to a shelter area (they were sitting in a field on a tarp prior to this).
 Once under the shelter some of the group members, including Mary, wanted to continue with the game, but those who weren't in on the game and some of those that were wanted to call the picnic quits-- seeing as it was supposed to be a cherry blossom festival and most of the blossoms were already knocked down from rain the prior week and that it was now kinda rainy and gross and the sky didn't look like it would clear up anytime soon. So most of the people left and went to go to a bar and party, Mary and some of the others decided to stay at the festival just a bit longer and do something before driving all the way back north. After a rather tense/not fun debate of what to do (one person in the group was very bummed that the drawing/writing game stopped and everyone except the small few were leaving) they finally decided to head over to the small castle in the park (very small castle).     
Upon finding out that it costs $2 to look around the castle some people decided to just go get food, one decided to sit and watch stuff that people didn't want to carry around, and some decided to go to the castle. Mary decided to see the castle, and as nice as it was it was also a bit awkward seeing as the only other people who went to go see the castle were two recently-started-to-date love birds that she really hasn't ever talked too. So, Mary with her already purchased ticket in hand decided to have fun at the castle anyway, and overall she did. Then they returned to 'home base' where the person watching the stuff was.....some people had fun putting their faces in the cut out slots of those tourist picture things where your head replaces the would be face of the this case a prince and princess. That was rather amusing to watch and then it was time to split ways and go home. Mary gave a few people a ride to the train station and then drove all the way back home (4-ish hr drive) by herself. It was rather pleasant seeing as she was a bit tired from socializing all day and just wanted to be a dork and sing in the car and such fun things.....being bold and a bit of a penny pincher she decided to try to take the back roads most of the way home b/c the highways are toll roads. She made it quite a distance traveling back routes in a foreign country at night....stopped for gas and possibly had the guy flirt with her-- he offered her a rag to wipe down the inside of the car and a cigarette (didn't accept the cigarette) and kinda hovered a bit and seemed rather happy that she stopped for gas there and he got to talk with her...could've just been b/c she is a foreigner but the flying mint bunny seems to think it was more than that.

Anyhoo, she drove a bit over an hour on the back roads but when she got close to a major city that's two hours south of her house she kept hitting a plethora of stop lights, so she decided to just get on the high way and pay the toll b/c it was late and the amount of gas used at all of the stop lights would probably even out to toll road fees. When she finally made it to the end of the toll road she had about an hour left in her journey home...the toll road guy was also rather nice/smiling and cute....anyhoo she made it back and was glad to have gone back that night rather than stayed at an elementary school near the festival and slept at the school. Now she had all of Sunday to relax and do what she wanted rather than worry about driving all the way home and having that eat up most of the day. And that is the end of the tale of the cherry blossom festival story, an overall good day, tiring, but good ^^. The other festival stories will shortly follow (festival in town with the kids, samurai fest, and maybe another one in there too lol ^^''' )

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