Saturday, December 29, 2012


Here are some pics of food I've eaten and some that I've made while being here....first let's have the ones of food that I made :), if you want recipes then all you need to do is comment on the post and ask me there ^^, or send me an email. 

super tasty mac 'n cheese (gouda and cheddar)

super tasty chocolate lava cake in a cup (cooked in the microwave for 1min) ^^

chicken, carrots, and broccoli in a chicken broth-y sauce thing (kind of tasted like pot pie)

another pic of the awesome cake in a mug ^^

grilled cheese (w/ mozarella) and tomato soup (made from scratch), also super tasty^^

Empress Chili (had to make my own chili powder too lol)

Chocolate cake (box recipe) made in rice cooker, with homemade icing ^^ (this was to celebrate Thanksgiving)

fancy cheese with blueberry jam-preserves-thing, a slice of a daikon radish (sweated) on a ritz cracker), rather tasty^^

The cake (w/ the hole where I stabbed it to get ready to cut it then went to take the picture) is an amazing, absolutely scrumptious spice cake XD!

 Food that I didn't make:

bento box meal for lunch at school, it was the weekend (school festival) so the teachers ordered bentos

frozen pizza with corn (a lot of the frozen pizzas come w/ it), green peppers, weird pepperoni (more sausage-y, like brat kinda sausage in a weird, but not bad way), and very little pizza sauce and a doughy crust.....not too bad, but def not as good as what I'm used to in the states.

another bento meal at school

Soba noodles and stuff, rather tasty and was for the Soba Noodle Festival that the small village next to mine was having (I'll blog more about that later)

chocolate-coffee cake w/ various layers of creamy cocoa/coffee/toffee stuff. I got it at the local cake-pastry shop^^

fish head, well half a fish head it was split down the middle so I had the right side. It was served at the school's end of the year party (blog more later).....despite the grumpy zombie look, it didn't taste too bad.

some of the food at the end of the year party.

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