Sunday, September 16, 2012

So quiet in the peanut gallery ;)

.I'm kind of surprised you've all been quietly waiting >.> I kinda took a while to post again.....anyhoo ^^.....Ok....let's see what all has gone down since my last post .....I bought some flowers b/c the yard is rather bare, though it still is since the flowers are on my little stoop and not in the yard....but that is beside the point, they still help add color to the front of the house^^.  Umm, I ran into some of my elementary school students while I was shopping, it was very amusing. They were with their parents and when they saw me their jaws dropped and had a "holy crap it's my teacher, but outside of school" look of disbelief on their face lol.  But after that initial shock of running into their teacher outside of the school they cheered up and gave me huge smiles and said hello :).  There was a beach BBQ party the other day which was pretty fun. It was nice to meet up with people and just relax on the beach ^^.  After the party two people crashed at my place, Phylicia and Cat, and then we went to Murakami to see the Castle ruins, which were on top of a small mountain and you had to walk up...which wasn't too bad, but once you reach the top there's a sign that basically says "congrats you reached the start of ruins and you have a lot more hiking up and down and around the mountain if you want to see them all.  Since it was really hot and humid and tired (and Cat and Phylicia wanted to head out to a festival in Niigata) we decided the bits of the ruin at the start were good for now and that we'll go there again later.  After they headed off to the city I went back home and then ventured to the small town just north of mine to take some cool pics of the sunset :), pictures can be found on facebook and I'll load them to flickr later (but flickr is being difficult so idk when that'll be).

Ummm....what else.....not really too much that I can think of...I tried to find some soccer shoes but to no avail, one store told me they can order some (only two brands in their catalog went to me size) but it was going to cost like $100 something so I told them I'll keep trying.....I was told to check out a bigger city, but I might try amazon and another website first....Ummm, oh there was an earthquake drill at one of the Elementary schools while I was there. Basically the alarm sounds they hide under their desks and then once it's clear they go to the gym and do role call and that was it  for the drill, but they also had an earthquake simulator outside.  The simulator is like the size of a small moving truck, where the back part is rigged to shake around, and the students get into the special section and sit at some chairs by a table and then it shakes like an earthquake and then that's it.  They all seemed to really enjoy it, and hte teachers kept trying to get me to go do it too, but we literally ate lunch 20 minutes or so before this happened and I wasn't about to loose my lunch. The teachers all had a good laugh when I told them "No earthquakes after lunch", but they agreed that yeah, it wasn't the best time to be rattled around in an earthquake simulation thing lol.  But yeah, the kids had a blast and it was fun to watch^^.  Oh and my Junior High kids had a good laugh at my day I was just not with it (most likely b/c it was a late night and I was woken up in the middle of the night by a cat yowling outside of my window -.-).  I went to go to class ahead of the teacher b/c he forgot something so I started to go to the 3rd floor...but the 3rd year students are on the 1st floor, I remembered this halfway up the first flight and turned around....and then I couldn't remember whether it was class A or B, and both classes didn't have a teacher in them yet, so I walked into class A.  After me standing there for a few seconds and saying hi to them one student says "This isn't English class".  So I hang my head and reply "Really" and then dramatically slump toward the door to play up the moment (I figured I should at least get a good laugh/story out of this) but then perked up just before the door and cheerfully went back to the front of the class saying "Naah, It's English class now, you're stuck with me." Which they all cheered (this made me feel loved ^^), but then I told them that sadly I couldn't change their class around like that and went to my real class.  Walk into my class and the teacher is already there and gave me really confused look, so I told him (loud enough for the students to hear) how I went upstairs, to take the senic route, then to the wrong class and such...which got everyone giggling but as far as I can tell no one thinks less of me for doing this.....and I'm glad that I did this toward the start of the year rather than in the middle b/c then I wouldn't have much of an excuse lol. ......anyhoodle that's all that I can think of for now, so adios. ^^

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