Ok, for those of you who don't know, Oba-san refers to old ladies.....and there's one that looks like a ninja o.O. She has a hood kind of like this....and I would have taken a picture but I figured that would've been rather rude, so I did not... so, instead you get this image found via google: Ok, the lady I saw was more hunched over, so I'm guessing older, and pushing a small cart in front of her. Her hood was more box-shaped and didn't poof out as much from her head and it was dark blue just like her clothes....so w/ the face mask she was sorta like an old lady version of Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat...here is Sub-Zero:
and dark matching clothes similar to this as well, minus the obvious shin guards and front flap thing and stuff...but anyhoo, I am convinced she is a ninja and has been henceforth dubbed Ninja-oba-tono.
All of that aside, things are still pretty hunky dory^^. The one English teacher doesn't like sweets so I get all of the stuff he's given :D, and I finally met all of the teachers today ^0^ they all seem to warm up to me ok, especial the one group of teachers who were impressed that I like manga, especially Kenshin. And speaking of Kenshin, but I found out that the manga-ka of Kenshin, as well as several other well known manga-kas (manga authors) live and grew up in Niigata :D, so whoot for being in the prefecture of great manga-kas!!! There's a street called Furumachi Manga Street, that has some statues of some manga characters, such as Tetsugoro Iwata, from the baseball manga Yakyukyo no Uta (A poem for baseball freaks). ^^ I'm definitely going to explore this area in the near future.
Sad to say I haven't been to a shrine yet....I think there's one really close to the house I'm in, but it was getting dark and there was a guy trimming bushes along the road up to where I think the shrine is so I didn't head up that way, but I might venture there tomorrow...after asking and making sure that's what it is, since all of the houses are more traditionally fashioned looking, I'd hate to sneak up on someone's house....especially if it's Ninja-oba-tono lol.
Also, there are crows everywhere, which makes me think of Princess Tu-tu....but seriously they really are everywhere, here's a pic:
It's hard to tell b/c they were off in the distance, but every black speck is a crow, and this is actually not the most I've seen gathered on the telephone wires 0.o. I feel kinda bad for the farmers since they have a crap ton of crows and monkeys to fend off of their crops :p.
Umm let's see.....my neighbor brought me some McDonalds the other day, I guess they went into town (b/c there isn't one close by, the closest one is like an hour away) and were kind enough to being me back a double cheeseburger and fries :). I was also given an English/Japanese (it has both languages in it) manga of Doraemon ^^, cookies and sweets were passed around the office, two big tomatoes which I made spaghetti sauce out of, and my first pay day is tomorrow ^0^. Ummm let's see anything else exciting....Ninja-Oba-tono was the highlight of the early morning...umm I cleaned a lot, and tried to get most of the cobwebs down, there are still a few that evaded me...a spider came out of nowhere this morning and was promptly squished by the broom thing in the bathroom...Umm aside from that nothing too exciting, work from 8-4 and then cleaning, shopping and such.....though speaking of shopping when I was scouting out some manga and video games I was getting lots of looks, especial by the guys when I went to the "guy" manga section looking for stuff and when I was looking at the games lol. Oh and later I'll post about my super nice neighbors (the ones who brought me McDonalds) ^^. Oh and a found an adorable tiny tree frog while helping the Vice-principal and his wife water the flowers at the school ^0^....and watering w/ them was in and of itself rather fun^^. They are a cute older couple, she's really sweet and the vp is always super busy and running around trying to make sure stuff's in order, but he'll take breaks here and there before rushing around again. But yeah they are a cute older couple, I met her b/c she had the VP's lunch and so we picked her up at the train station and ate lunch together and she brought awesome cream puff things and the Principal stopped in to drop off tasty pudding things and slushy things, and it was a nice tasty lunch^^. Ok, well that's enough for now :p, more later. Adios^^
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